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A public commitment to follow Jesus

Baptism (sometimes referred to as a christening) is a public commitment to follow Jesus Christ. When a young child is baptised, or christened, the parents and godparents make this commitment on their behalf. Older children and adults make the commitment for themselves.


Whenever it happens, whether as a baby, child or adult, baptism is at the heart of an amazing journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ.



Your Child's Baptism


We are delighted that you are considering having your child baptised.


Baptisms at any of our 10 churches normally take place within the main service at 11.00 am, however we are always happy to consider exceptional circumstances which may require alternative arrangements. 


Your first step is to contact us to let us know which parish church you are considering and your connection to the parish. We can then make arrangements for one of our ministers to contact you to discuss further and to take you through the steps in the process of preparing for baptism.


Questions that are often asked

Who can be a godparent?

You should have at least two Godparents: one of each gender. Traditionally, there are two Godparents of the same gender as the child and one of the opposite gender. Godparents can be family members or friends. However, it is important that you choose people who will take an interest in your child's spiritual welfare and who will pray for you and your child. They should be
baptised themselves and mature enough to act as a Godparent.


Do Godparents have to be baptised?


The official guidelines state that all Godparents should be baptised. If a Godparent is not baptised we are very happy to baptise them alongside your child, or alternatively they can act as a 'supporter' at the service. They will be involved in much the same way as the baptised godparents, however we are not able to include their name in the church baptism register, but as this spends most of its time locked in vestry safes, hopefully this isn't too much of a big deal!


What happens if one of the godparents can’t come to the Baptism?

We understand it is sometimes not possible for Godparents to attend. This does not stop them from being a godparent.

We’re not married – can our child still be baptised?

Yes - not a problem. But if you would like to discuss the possibility of getting married, we would be delighted to discuss this with you.

Can older children or adults be baptised?


Yes - again not a problem. If you are considering this, please get in touch and we will arrange for one of our ministers to contact you.


We don’t live in the Rodings, Easters or Great Canfield – can we have our baby baptised here?

It’s usual to have your child baptised in the parish where you live so that they can be welcomed and grow in your local church family. However, if there are particular reasons why you would like to have the baptism at one of our churches (e.g. family links or you were married here), we are happy to discuss this further.


What does it cost?


Baptism is a symbol of God’s love for us which is freely given. We make no charge.


What sites do you recommend to learn more about baptisms?


The Church of England’s dedicated Christenings Site


Bible reading


People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16



God our creator,
we thank you for the gift of our child
entrusted to our care.
May we be patient and understanding,
ready to guide and to forgive,
so that through our love
they may come to know your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


May God, who has received you by baptism into his Church, pour upon you the riches of his grace, that within the company of Christ’s pilgrim people you may daily be renewed by his anointing Spirit, and come to the inheritance of the saints in glory. Amen.

Our churches are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Vulnerable Adults, and victims of domestic abuse.  The PCCs have adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding, which may be found on the Church of England's website: You can read the parish Safeguarding statement and find out more information on our policy page.  Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Allison Ward who can be contacted on 07960 796346 or by email using the contacts page on this website

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